It’s here again, Mother’s Day! My mum lives in the UK, so she had her Mother’s Day over a month ago, but I still like to give her a little something on the American Mother’s Day too (lucky lady gets two gifts!).
I thought I’d put together a little round up of some of my jewelry which makes perfect Mother’s Day gifts.
Supergirl Necklace
For the superhero mother in your life, she cooks, cleans, takes the kids to school and still manages to have time to do her own thing
Wonder Woman - we all know one of them! These are delicate and discreet and she will love them!
Calla Lily NecklaceBeautiful and simple, the calla lily is a symbol of holiness, faith and purity
Taking the hand and footprints from your children and encapsulating them into silver is a great way to preserve their little prints long after they've grown up.
Perfect for showing the initial of your son or daughter and the great thing is, if you have more than one child, just stack them up!
The last date for ordering my pieces to ensure they’re with you in time (in the US) and choose priority mail as your shipping option, is Monday May 7th